Chloë Bass, 2023 — Photo © Ross Collab
On display at COME CLOSER

Chloë Bass, 9 Parts - Photo: studio pramudiya, npi
9 Parts
Following dramatic social events, Chloë Bass kept snapshots and diary entries. In her artwork she connects this personal memorabilia with the official announcement in many different ways. She got the fragments printed on T-shirts and clothes. Wearing these, she gets others to perform a choreography. As such, the performers become the interpreters of Bass’ personal memorabilia. They are used in expressing her intimate experiences.

Chloë Bass, The Parts — foto © Léonard Pongo
The Parts, 2020-2021
Following dramatic social events, Chloë Bass kept snapshots and diary entries. In her artwork, she connects this personal memorabilia with the official announcement. She does this in many ways, both offline and online. Here, her fragments appear as three series of text panels in the open air. They remind us that behind every big historic event there are also very personal experiences.
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